What is Timber?

Timber; The tree is made available for commercial purposes.

It is called prepared wood. It is obtained by cutting the logs to length. The tree, which cannot be used as it is, is first cut and then turned into lumber in sawmills. Timber is classified, dried, if necessary, final processing is done and marketed.

On average around the world, half of the felled trees are used as fuel, and the other half is used as lumber in paper manufacture and various works. Timber is obtained from various trees depending on where it will be used. Tree cutting, formerly cut with ax and saw, trees are cut with chainsaws today.

The branches of the cut trees are separated. If necessary, it is divided into smaller parts. Then these logs are gathered together and shipped to sawmills. The transportation of logs is done in various ways according to the countries and geographical regions. Tractors and trucks can be transported by land, rivers are also used for this purpose, and even helicopters and balloons are used for air transport.

Cut trees come to sawmills in various ways.

Here it is cut in standard sizes. However, the dimensions are kept a little large considering that the timber will dry out.

Timbers cut with circular saw, band saw or multi-blade saws are dried by arranging them with air flowing through them. Depending on the type, thickness and weather conditions of the timber, this drying process can take from a few weeks to a year or longer. Drying can also be done in ovens.

In kilns, hot air is passed quickly through the timbers. During this process, temperature and humidity are constantly controlled. Thus, the humidity rate can be reduced to 12% in 72 hours.

The dried timbers are processed according to the place where they will be used. Hardwood lumber is usually sold untreated. Most softwood lumber passes through the planer.